One of my absolute favorite things to do other then watching a movie is sitting out on my back porch with some good friends to chat the night away. Of course a crucial element of the evening is deciding what type of consumables will be present for the conversations that will happen throughout. Yeah chips and salsa will be there but I’m talking about the important stuff. Am I going to have a nice glass of wine at my side or am I going to have a good old fashion tall glass of lager? It all depends on what I’m in the mood for. The wine is always enjoyable; it helps to bring out the flavors of everything else I eat that night. If I choose the lager I know I’ll be getting the same taste every time but yikes that some great flavor. From now on I’m going to have to make that choice when I decide if I want to watch Iron Man or Iron Man 2.
Lets get this out of the way right now. Iron Man is the lager. Its not all that complicated and you know you’re going to get the same flavor throughout the film. I believe this comic adaptation is probably the best superhero origins feature I’ve ever seen. It’s full out fun and never tries to change the tone. I’ll always enjoy it no matter how many times I see it. Now let’s talk about the sequel.
This film is a fine wine. Its got a lot different flavors running thorough out and at the same time doesn’t suffer from the complex fate of some other notable sequels that have come out in the last few years. Just ask Jack Sparrow, he’ll tell you what I mean. I’ve read a few other reviews on this film and they keep trying to say that it gets muddle because it focuses to much on Stark. If they had done their homework they’d have realized that Tony is one of the most complex superheros in the Marvel universe. He's flawed, he’s an alcoholic and truthfully he can be really hard to like at times. Back to the wine analogy, it’s all those little flavors that make it so great to enjoy.
I really want to give Jon Favreau a hand here. He didn’t fall into any of the traps that a lot of directors snare when they try to make a sequel. They always want to go bigger and better with more explosions and deeper plots. Favreau does exactly this but its done the right way. The story never felt forced and it moved naturally from one plot point to another. Don’t even get me started on Downey. He is as brilliant as always. Go see Iron Man 2. You’ll enjoy it and make sure you stay till the end of the credits you won’t regret it.
Until next time I’ll be thinking about just how awesome the Avengers could be.
The Pretentious Filmmaker.
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